> Appreciation
recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
I appreciate the winter’s beautiful breeze.
I appreciate the spectrum of wonderful colours.
I appreciate the diversity of stunning animals.
I appreciate the complexity of the human body.
I appreciate the experience of human emotion.
I appreciate the creations of man.
I appreciate the elegance of still water.
I appreciate the gleaming sun.
I appreciate the perfect fall of rain.
I appreciate the intricacy of a snowflake.
I appreciate the beauty of trees.

[Image: Shutterstock/Ivan Kruk]
I appreciate the demonstration of morals.
I appreciate the invention of sport.
I appreciate the abilities of the human psyche.
I appreciate the simplicity of the human skin.
I appreciate the true power of electricity.
I appreciate the diverse taste of food.
I appreciate consciously thought fashion.
I appreciate the confusing yet glorious power of music.
I appreciate the stars of the sky.
I appreciate the planets of the galaxy.
I appreciate the existence of the physical universe.
I appreciate the perfect leveling of a safe ground.
I appreciate the good will of strangers.
I appreciate the artwork of painters.
I appreciate a well formed sculpture.
I appreciate the experience of thinking.
I appreciate the morning bird’s song.
I appreciate the precision of the human eye.
I appreciate the structure of well created furniture.
I appreciate a rainbow.

[Image: Shutterstock/Hasloo Group Production Studio]
I appreciate pyramids.
I appreciate the bird’s eye view of a city at night.
I appreciate the rare number of good radio and television channels.
I appreciate fresh grass.
I appreciate organic mud.
I appreciate the subtle nature of sand.
I appreciate the visual presentation of mathematics.
I appreciate the visual presentation of foreign languages.
I appreciate the never ending beating heart.
I appreciate the subtle calm breath of the lungs.
I appreciate the circuitry of the human brain.
I appreciate the results of modern engineering.
I appreciate the sight of a genuine human smile.

[Image: Shutterstock/Maridav]
I appreciate the human sleep cycle.
I appreciate the wonderful study of biology.
I appreciate the dexterity of the human hand.
I appreciate the human ability to create.
I appreciate the intelligence and organisation of the national train system.
I appreciate the Internet.
I appreciate a well designed website.
I appreciate the smell of a well cooked meal.
I appreciate the cuteness of cats.
I appreciate the majestic nature of lions.
I appreciate the complexity of human DNA.
I appreciate the taste of fruit.
I appreciate the precision found in the production of materials.
I appreciate the achievements of an elite performer.
I appreciate the natural healing power of the human body systems.
I appreciate all aspects of information technology.
I appreciate the empathetic capacity of humans.

[Image: Shutterstock/Richard Lyons]
I appreciate the design of a butterfly.
I appreciate the changing colours of a trees’ leaves.
I appreciate the sight of well rested eyes.
I appreciate a well rehearsed musical.
I appreciate a well rehearsed dance performance.
I appreciate the entire existence of reality and the human capacity to be able to appreciate this.
I appreciate the images of our cosmos.
I appreciate explosive fireworks.
I appreciate the sensation of silk.
I appreciate the skills of an acrobat.
I appreciate the connective power of social media.
I appreciate the sight of an early sunrise and late sunset.
I appreciate the powerful abilities of telescopes.
I appreciate the diversity found in the human form.
I appreciate the history of man on Earth.
I appreciate the softness of cotton.
I appreciate the perfectly played violin.
I appreciate the strength of percussion.
I appreciate the sight of a man or woman completely and utterly lost in the motion of dance.
I appreciate the emotion of optimism in the sight of devastation.
I appreciate electronic mail technology.
I appreciate mail technology.
I appreciate the petals of a fresh flower.

[Image: Shutterstock/Balazs Kovacs]
I appreciate the perfectly timed natural portrait photograph.
I appreciate the unbeatable feeling of true love.
I appreciate the act of selfless service.
I appreciate the the delicacy shown in a well made cake.
I appreciate the demonstration of human integrity.
I appreciate the act of loyalty.
I appreciate the sheer simplicity of a quite night road.
I appreciate the evidently enormous effort put into a well written article or book.
I appreciate honesty.
I appreciate a heart-felt hug.
I appreciate a full moon.
I appreciate a mountain’s waterfall.
I appreciate undying human resilience.
I appreciate the harmonious play of a piano.
I appreciate the opportunity to be happy.
I appreciate your time.