In a world where rectangle objects are reigning mankind’s attention, what does it mean to look at someone in the eye when greeting them?
When talking to someone in an era where a plastic object is beeping and flashing in one’s trouser pocket at all times, what does it mean to listen wholeheartedly, without any other distractions intruding in the conversation?
What does it mean to someone to know that the person they are interacting with is one hundred percent engaged, fully alive and here, right now.
We would like to think this is the very least we can offer those who we love. Those who have made us – at one point in our life – smile during a time of despair, laugh until our stomachs hurt, feel comforted at the sacrifice of their time and commitments.
If not a sign of appreciation, just to be of common courtesy and respect.
We are presented today with an inevitable influx of mass information coming from all variety of sources right to handheld devices rarely to be seen any further than an arm-length from our person.
So would it be worth considering the most primordial question when in the presence of loved ones:
Am I here?